Travelling University

Travelling University
5 min readMay 15, 2020

The future of university here & now!

Not long ago, the world was one. No borders or continents, not even humans existed. Just a supercontinent known as Pangea.

375 million years later…

  1. Climate change / destruction of nature (48.8%)
  2. Large scale conflict/wars (38.9%) …
  3. Inequality (income, discrimination) (30.8%) …
  4. Poverty (29.2%) …
  5. Religious conflicts (23.9%) …
  6. Government accountability and transparency/corruption (22.7%)…

ERROR 404.

We can’t start over… but we can:-Fixit, Redesign, Remake, AWAKE!

It is already happening:

Young leaders from all over the world, working in teams to be part of the solution, being the change they want to see in the world.

It’s unstoppable!

They are the young people who have decided to lead the change with their Startups, Learning about team entrepreneurship, travelling to new contexts, and learning about cultures.

“Ox Riders” launches their new electric motorcycle

“Gravity Wave” collects plastic from the mediterranean sea

“Hex” presents an alternative to textile consumption

“Kendani” a market place for sustainable and ethical products

“World Makers Organization” launches a massive call to print sanitary solutions to fight COVID-19

The planet has pulled the trigger.

It has stopped us in our tracks.
It has been a long time coming. It patiently warned us while we turned our heads, and finally, it stroke. And as for all the inconvenient situations, the timing was horrible.
It made our system tremble, from the very foundation… but turns out, it was to bring back clean air, calm to the oceans… to raise awareness and consciousness of what really is important.
A shake to reconnect with ourselves, each other and with the planet.

Chinese culture shows us that “crisis” and “opportunity” walk hand in hand.
This is an opportunity to bring down walls.
An opportunity to value what is important.
An opportunity to do and make new things.
An opportunity to unite, to stand as one.
An opportunity to awake.
To be true to ourselves.

More Pangea than ever.

Could LEINN International be your place?

In this university degree, 100% hands-on and real, students aren’t students but rather team entrepreneurs, there are no teachers but team coaches and mentors, there are no classrooms but innovative work environments.

From the first year, “LEINNers” start a real company, design and develop real products and services, work with clients, have to invoice and make a profit, learn how to dialogue, read books, go to events, and more, in order to pass the year.

Why LEINN International?

In LEINN International, the newcomers take control of their own education and learn how to be self-sufficient and self-starters. Being in control of their own transformation. We believe that learning and creating together, we can make a positive impact locally and globally. To carry this out, we use the Mondragon Team Academy methodology, from within Mondragon Unibertsitatea, and belong to its international network.

How LEINN was Born

Mondragon Team Academy (MTA) was founded 11 years ago to lead the rebirth of the entrepreneurial spirit and creative capacity of the Mondragon environment. The aim was to create an open international community of team-entrepreneurs cooperating on a multi-generational, multi-cultural, and multi-disciplinary level.

The Official European degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation (LEINN) started in 2008. After the success for more than 5 years, LEINN International was created, innovating this already disruptive program.

What makes LEINN International different?

LEINN International methodology is designed to transform education in order to create conditions for preparing the youth for the future as engaged learners, fulfilled human beings, and global citizens, creating sustainable companies, startups, and business models that have a positive impact on the world.

Team Learning by Creating

-Real Companies: «You will create your own company with the team»

-3 Continents: «Your learning experience will take place in Asia, Europe and America»

-Multicultural teams: «You will be working for 4 years with people from all over the world»

The LEINN International process allows you to flourish as an individual and become the author of your own future.

At a team level, you don’t just learn how to create a high-performance company, but also, how to manage different cultures, personalities, languages, and traditions within the same team.

At a company level, you will expand your horizons, building a worldwide network, develop both valuable business skills and an effective entrepreneurial mindset, by creating a business out of your passions and dreams.

‘Team Learning by creating’ that is our philosophy.

Once you are enrolled in your degree of Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation, you will be involved in the creation of a working team company. Your classmates will be your new colleagues and business partners now. You will be sharing this entrepreneurial journey in LEINN International with like-minded peers.

What will your first project be?

Get inspired by our current teams and projects!

Want to know more? Download the brochure.

What comes next?

This year the first cohort of LEINN International will be graduating. However local LEINN has been running in Spain for the last 11 years. What are their next steps after graduating?

They are LEINN International!

Are you?

Because the solution can only be found by being ONE!

